Foot Mobility Tips and Foot Alignment
Do you have stiff feet of painful feet?
Listen in for an amazing Foot mobility tip from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy’s physiotherapist Philippa:
“It’s very important to have optimal mobility and control of our feet as they are our foundation when we are upright and could even influence how we’re aligned in sitting.
Foot mobility Tips and foot alignment
Do you have stiff feet of painful feet?
Listen in for an amazing Foot mobility tip from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy’s physiotherapist Philippa::
“It’s very important to have optimal mobility and control of our feet as they are our foundation when we are upright and could even influence how we’re aligned in sitting.
Deep Neck Flexor Strengthening Supine
Do you have neck pain? One of the most common components to neck pain is muscle imbalance around the neck and the inability of the deep neck flexor muscles, or neck stability muscles, to work properly to stabilize the neck for day to day activities, work or static postures, and then even more so for more active living or sports.
Calf Strengthening with the Soleus Calf Raise
Have you had Achilles injury or pain? Do you push off well when you walk or run?
Young or old, calf and achilles injuries are a common site at Body Works and can unfortunately be a disabling injury, leaving people out of their sport or exercise for prolonged periods.
Toe Spreaders to help with reducing Toe Pain as well as improving Toe Mobility and Toe Strength
Do you have forefoot or toe pain? Have you tried using toe spreaders before?
These small toe spreader items can be very helpful for activating stiff and weak toes, to help with strength and mobility in the foot and toes.
Tibialis Posterior Muscle Strengthening Exercise with Theraband
The Tibialis posterior muscle is important in how the arch of our foot functions in walking and running. Weakness in this muscle is linked to overuse injuries like shin splints. Body Works Sports Physiotherapy’s own Physiotherapist Dana Ranahan demonstrates an EASY way to strengthen this muscle from the comfort of your own home!
Taping for Shoulder Pain in Runners
Do you have Shoulder pain when you run? Sometimes you may experience dropping of your shoulder with running, especially as you fatigue.
Here is a simple taping technique to help with maintaining a neutral shoulder posture while running.
Functional Glut Strengthening Exercise for Runners
As you get back to running on the road, trails, or track here is a functional and effective exercise to help strengthen your gluts. Stand in front of the wall with band just just above your knees, bend one knee and place foot on wall behind you. Sink into mini single leg squat by reaching hips towards wall behind you, should feel thigh bone sink back into hip socket. Hold this as you move bent knee to the side against resistance of the band. Should feel the outside hip muscles of the standing leg working hard. Try and keep foot stable on the ground with knee centred over ankle (not moving in or out). Repeat 10 reps on each side, for 2-3 sets.
Use of IMS for reducing muscle pain
IMS is used for reducing muscle pain. It works by increasing blood flow, and pain-relieving hormone release, to the affected area. IMS is an effective option, shown to relieve pain quickly.
Dana is using #IMS on the paraspinal muscles to help release stiffness and regain thoracic movement.
Wall Squat Exercise to help with knee osteoarthritis
The wall squat with an exercise ball is a great exercise for people with knee osteoarthritis as it helps to strengthen the muscles that support the knee joint.
To perform the exercise:
*Stand with your back against a wall and place an exercise ball between your lower back and the wall.
Single leg squat test
Exercise with Quinn Turner
Ski season isn’t over yet! Keep your legs strong and ready for the rest of the season with single the leg squat test. This simple exercise can help you to assess your leg strength and identify any imbalances that may need to be addressed before hitting the mountain.
Exercise to mobilize your feet
Are your feet tired after a long day at work? Mobilize your feet.
Our Physiotherapist Dana Ranahan is here with some tips on how to stretch your toes and mobilize / loosen up your feet.
- Weave your fingers into your toes and give a small squeeze to wake up the joints
- Spread fingers to create space to loosen up the toes
- Stretch the foot & toes upwards and downwards for 15 seconds
- Supinate, or turn your toes up like a high arch, then rotate down like you’re flattening the foot
For more information do not hesitate to book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists.
How to prevent Groin Strains
In the kinetic chain of the lower body, the pelvis and hip region is subject to many forces that have the capacity to cause injury. It is important, therefore, to warm up the muscles of the lower body properly.
Golf posture Tips
One of the most common faults found in amateur golfers is a loss of posture, and it’s been determined 64.3 percent of amateur golfers have a form of posture loss at some stage during the swing
How to engage your deep core and pelvic floor muscles
This exercise is really good when you have lower back pain, and/or there is a need to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles.
Scapula control and stabilization
Here at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy, we can help assess and treat scapular movement that may be contributing to some of the pain you’re experiencing.
Mid back mobility exercise
Is your mid back stiff or in pain? Physiotherapist Ryan Corkal is here to show you a few stretches to work on your mid back mobility, especially for golfers out there.
Hamstring Strengthening Exercise
There are numerous ways to strengthen the hamstring. This exercise is aimed to help improve hip extension control and load transfer for walking, hiking, and running sports – to name a few.
Sitting posture tips with Physiotherapist Steven McGee
The importance of proper computer sitting posture for your back and health cannot be overstated. You may achieve proper computer posture by following a few easy suggestions.
Jumping into the Squad. Exercise with Physitrack
Our physiotherapists use Physitrack, which is a digital healthcare company, and the provider of a solution for patient engagement.
Thoracic Mobility Exercises
Here are a few mobility exercises that can help improve your thoracic rotation. This is extremely important in several sports such as golf, running, tennis and hockey.
Upper Back & Overhead Exercises
This is Steven McGee from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy, North Vancouver. I’m here today to talk to you about overhead activities and warming up your upper back.
How to increase jumping and running capacity
Recent research has shown that skipping can really improve people’s jumping and plyometric abilities, as well as running capacity. Plyometric training is a quick, powerful movement which involves a system of reactive exercises.
Lower Back Twist Reduction Exercise
This exercise is to help retrain the core movement pattern. This way you learn how to use the core properly, helping control functional movement and avoid back pain.
Eccentric Heel Drops for Achilles Tendinopathy
Do you have chronic Achilles pain? We call that Achilles tendinopathy. Check out this video on how to do a simple exercise to help with this.
Ankle Strengthening – Eversion Tubing Exercise
This is a strengthening exercise for the ankle. Get a piece of tubing for about the right width between your ankles and work on pulling one foot out while the other holds steady.
- Focus on control and don’t go too fast.
90 – 90 Hip Rotations
Good hip mobility is essential to ski or snowboard effectively without compensating other areas of the body.
- Neutral spine
- Fold forward at hips
- Lift leg for increased difficulty
Achilles Tendonitis – How to Lessen Pain and Recover Faster
If you have heel pain, achilles tendonitis or achilles tendon pain, watch to learn how to relieve pain and get on the path to recovery.
Ankle Strengthening – Inversion with Tubing
This one’s a good way to help control your arch; aim for 15 to 20 repetitions, 2 to 3 sets.
Balance Progressions In Tandem Stance
Do you want to perform better and avoid injury? Better balance can help. Try our simple balance progression in tandem stance, which can help your performance and lessen chance of injury or falls.
Balance Training After Injury
If you have had an injury to your lower body and are now recovering, you need to remember to train your balance system to help stabilize you again. Watch our video for some simple balance exercises to get you back on track to doing the things you enjoy.
Balance Training – Simple Tips To Work On Better Balance And Prevent Injury
Balance is a simple but important part of good movement. With good balance, body control and position sense, we can move and coordinate better for both sport and day-to-day activities. This helps lessen injury and pain. Try our simple tips for working on balance control.
Balance: More Advanced Exercises For Sport And Function
We’re here today to talk about more advanced balance exercises that are useful for sporting activities or physical activity, depending on what you’re doing, hiking, biking, running.
Calf Raises
These calf raises will help strengthen your gastrocs/soleus muscles which can become quite exhausted after a long day on the hill.
- Feet hip-width apart
- Raise onto toes as high as possible
- Repeat with knees bent.
Clock Balance Excursions
These will help you improve your balance, which is constantly being challenged by the various terrain on the ski hill.
- Keep the stance knee in line with the foot
- Reach out as far as possible
- Minimal weight through moving leg
Concussion – Vertical Tracking Smooth Pursuit Exercise With Pencil
Today I want to show you an exercise for tracking your vision. We tend to see vision issues associated with neck, whiplash, or concussion type injuries. Sometimes our eyes have a hard time following objects in space.
Concussion – Visual Tracking Horizontally with Pencil
Today I want to show you an exercise that we use to help with injuries such as concussive injuries, or sometimes whiplash associated injuries. When we have injuries to the head and neck, we can get some involvement with our eyes. So this is a visual tracking exercise.
Core Activation Progression with Knee Hinges
With this exercise, we would work on repetition, trying to work on good movement patterning and good coordination of our core. Probably 10-15 repetitions each leg or until we reach fatigue.
Core Strength Exercise – 4 Point Kneeling Arm Weight Shift With Neutral Spine
Do you want a stronger core? Need more core strength to avoid injury or pain? Better core strength, spinal stability, and spinal control translates into better transfer of loads for sport and activity. This makes you stronger and more efficient in your movement, resulting in better performance. A stronger core will also help you prevent injury.
Core Strength Work Activating Your Outer Core Muscles – Opposite Arm and Leg Lifts
We’re going to do an exercise today to work on strengthening your glute in conjunction with your opposite lats muscle, and this helps you to stabilize for walking and running.
Core Strength – Four Point Kneeling With Heel Slides
Do you want to improve your core strength? Be able to stabilize your back and pelvis better for activity? Check out our core strengthening exercises. This one focuses on stability of your spine in neutral while sliding your heel backwards.
Core Strength – Abdominals Supine With Spinal Stabilization And Leg Lifts
This is Dana Ranahan from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy, and today I want to show you an abdominal core strength exercise which focuses on spinal stability. If you want to become stronger and have better control for sports, you need to control your posture.
Core Strength – How to Activate Your Inner Core Muscles and Coordinate with Breathing
Do you want to learn how to have a stronger core? It is important to learn the difference between the deep, or inner core, and the more superficial, or outer, core muscles. Watch this video to find out how to coordinate breathing with activation of your transverse abdominal muscles and pelvis floor muscles to activate your inner core.
Core Strengthening with Moving Arms
Watch our video to learn how to engage your core and stabilize your spine while you move your arms. This is a very good way to limit back, shoulder and neck issues.
Dead Bug Exercise – Core Strengthening Video
Here is a simple core strengthening exercise progressed from knee fallouts and knee hinges. Be careful with technique and remember to breathe and activate your core with every repetition.
Deep Neck Flexor Strength and Mid Back Strength – Middle Fibres of Trapezius
A great and simple exercise to help stabilize and strengthen your neck, as well as using better control through your upper back.
Do You Have A Weak Core? Watch Now for a Simple Core Strengthening Exercise
Do you want a stronger core to help you perform better and alleviate pain? Listen in and try our simple core strengthening exercise for home with an exercise ball.
Do you have eye tension or tiredness? Try our Visual Tracking Exercise.
Do you have headaches, neck pain or dizziness? Your eyes could be playing a role. Often felt as eye strain, if our eyes are not working well together with your neck and inner ear it can create problems. Try our simple visual tracking exercise. If you have any concerns or questions please contact us.
Do You Have Hip Pain or Pinching at the Front of Your Hip? Try Our Simple Home Exercise
Do you have hip pain, or pinching in the front of your hip when you sit down or squat? Usually this is from impingement at the front of the hip joint. Watch our video and try our simple home exercise to help open up your hip joint and reduce pain and pinching.
Do you have Jaw Tightness or Pain? Clicking Jaw?
Watch here and learn to maintain a better jaw position, which should help alleviate some of the jaw pain or discomfort you are having.
Do You Have Sore Or Stiff Knees? Try this quad stretch!
Check out our video for a great simple quad stretch you can do at home. This works well especially if you have a stiff knee or cannot do it easily in standing. Call us if you need help with your knee pain or stiffness.
Do You Have Tight Hamstrings? Hip or Back Tightness? Try Our Home Exercise to Help
Do you have tight hamstrings? This is common and can lead to lower back pain, hip pain and poor sports performance. Watch our video for a simple home exercise to stretch your hamstrings as well as the inner thigh and lateral hip.
Do You Need Stronger Legs and Hips? Wall Squat with Band.
Do you need stronger legs and hips? Do you want to be able to ski or run longer with better endurance, form and less fatigue? Try our simple wall squat with band around the knees to help strengthen the quads and gluts, abs, and core.
Do You Wake Up With Pain When You Walk? Resolve Your Plantar Fasciitis
Do you have heel pain when you get out of bed in the morning? Does it make it hard to walk? You may have plantar fasciitis.
Do You Want A Stronger Core? Simple core exercise with a Ball.
Do you want a stronger core? Try this simple exercise with a ball to help your core be stronger and more able to tolerate the activity’s of your day and sports.
Dynamic Hip Stretching with Core
We’re going to do some dynamic hips stretching here using a foam roller. The foam roller is located underneath the pelvis so it stabilizes the pelvis and the lower back should not be painful at all in this position. So if there is any pain, don’t proceed.
Release Tight Shoulders and Upper Back with Foam Roller
Do you have tight shoulders or upper back? Watch here for free tips and home exercise for releasing tightness in the upper back and shoulders using a foam roller. You will feel better and move better!
Foam Roller Exercise to Release Lower Back Pain
In this video we will demonstrate how to use a foam roller to release lower back pain and muscle tightness.
Foam Roller Stretch for Shoulders and Chest
Find a new use for your foam roller! Stretch out tight shoulder and chest muscles. Give it a try!
Foot Intrinsics: Big Toe Abduction Isometric
Do you have foot pain? Here’s a foot intrinsic strengthening exercise that will help you control your foot better, transfer load, and maintain better arch position.
Foot Pain – Big Toe Short Flexor Strengthening
Do you have foot pain? Here’s a simple exercise to help strengthen the big toe short flexor, which is used for flexing and pushing off as you run or walk.
Glut Strengthening At Home With Theraband and Squats
Do you want stronger gluts to help you perform better? Try our simple home exercise using a piece of Thera band and squats. No real equipment needed. You can also do this without the Thera band!
Glut Strengthening Exercise
Need some glut strengthening you can do at home now all of the gyms are closed? Give this simple exercise a try. If you don’t have an exercise ball, you can do it over a bench or on hands and knees position. Just make sure to maintain a neutral position of your spine while you lift your leg.
Dynamic Golf Warm-up: Tip #1 – Squats for opening and sinking hips
Dynamic warm-up for golf can improve your game and reduce pain and soreness. Try out dynamic golf warm-up tip #1 – Squats to open the hips and sink back in the socket for better movement pattern, better strength and less pain.
Hamstring Strengthening with Exercise Ball
We’re here today with Alicia to show you some exercises on how to strengthen your hamstrings with using a big exercise ball at home. It’s a good tool to use at home for exercise.
Hip Flexor and Thigh Tightness Release
How do I release hip flexor tightness? How do I loosen up my hip flexor? Quads? Learn how to release and stretch to stay pain free with Rick Heyden. Try out his tips for stretching usng a foam roller.
Hip Stability and Strength: Functional Squats With TheraBand For Gluteus Medius Strengthening
Do you want stronger hips so you can walk and run faster and more efficiently? Help lessen the chance of lower back or hip pain? Try our simple home exercise for gluteus medius strengthening with a functional squat. It will help get you stronger and back to what you love doing.
Hip Stability and Strength: Functional Lateral Side Stepping For Gluteus Medius Strength
Do you have weak or tight hips? Try our lateral side stepping exercise with TheraBand for glut strengthening. This simple exercise is a great progression on the squat technique and has great application to better performance in sport and other functional activities.
Hip Stability Exercise 1 – Gluteus Medius Clamshells
We’re here today with Holly to show you a clamshell exercise to help strengthen the Gluteus Medius muscle in the lateral part of the buttock area. This muscle is important for hip stability and strength.
Hip Stability Exercise 2 – Hip and Glut Strength – Gluteus Medius Clamshells with Resistance
Do you have weak hips? Do you have hip pain or tightness when walking, running, or doing basic activities? Watch and try our simple hip strengthening exercise that you can do at home. Your hips will get stronger, making movement much easier with less pain and tightness.
Hip Strength Exercise For Walking, Running Or Hiking
Do you like to walk hike or run? How about snowshoe? Controlling your hip and pelvis position is important to be strong and avoid injury. Try our simple strengthening exercise at home to improve your strength and stability and run or walk with more ease.
Hip Strengthening and Rebalancing Exercise
Do you have tight hips? Chronic hip pain or soreness? Often there are imbalances in the strength and tightness of the muscles around the hip. Try our simple hip strengthening exercise for balancing the hip – strengthening the internal rotators and opening up the buttock region. This will help you feel better and your hips be more open and relaxed and more balanced.
Hip / Glute Strengthening Exercise
Do you want to be stronger to hike walk or run? Try our simple glute strengthening exercise to help you control movement better. No equipment required!
Hip Strengthening – Hip Adduction or Groin Strengthening
Hip strength is important to avoid injury and hip pain, lower back pain, groin pain and knee pain. Try our simple hip adduction exercise to help strengthen your groin and hip area!
Hip Tightness or Hip Pain? Try a Foam Roller
Do you have tight hips, buttocks, or hip flexors? Hip Pain? Try using a foam roller to help alleviate tightness and resolve pain.
How Can I Resolve Tennis Elbow Pain?
Here are a couple of tips to answer your questions and to try and resolve pain. Please remember that these tips and exercises should reduce any symptoms and if there is any increased pain, please stop and contact us for an assessment to determine if these are appropriate for you.
How Is Your Balance? Single Leg Squat
How is your balance? Try our simple balance exercises with suggested professions to help improve your balance and simple movement control to help you in your favourite activity or sport.
How to Activate the Inner Core: Transversus Abdominus
With Holly as our model and we’re going to talk a little bit about how we activate our core muscles. If you watched the last video, you saw how we talked about what the muscles are, and now we’re going to teach Holly how to use her inner core muscles.
Glut Strengthening: Get Stronger So You Can Walk, Run and Ski With More Ease
Are you wanting to run or ski with more control and strength? Want to carve the slopes with more ease? Try our easy glut strengthening exercise which is simple to do at home. This will help you be stronger and move better.
Improve Your Ankle Stiffness With Remi
If you feel pinching at the front of your ankles as you descend into a squat, try this exercise to improve your ankle stiffness and mobility.
Inner Thigh Strengthening
Do you run or play soccer? Do you have tight hips or perpetual problems with your hips of back or pelvis? It is important to stabilize your pelvis and strengthen your core muscles while strengthening your hip for functional activities. This will help it translate to sport and make you stronger, more controlled and less like to have an injury.
Knee Rehab Exercise Post Surgery
Try this simple Knee rehabilitation exercise post surgery. Works on lateral weight transfer and coordinating footwork to help return an injured limb to more normal function.
Knee Rehab Ladder Exercises Lateral Stepping
This simple exercise is a great progression in post operative knee rehabilitation exercises. It works on lateral weight shift and stepping with minimal impact loading on the knee.
Knee Stirs – Core Exercise Progression
O.k. so we’re going to work on a Core Progression exercise called Knee Stirs. So in this case we’re to get you breathing, breathing in, as you breathe out softening your chest and engaging your core and bringing this right knee up towards your chest.
Knee Strengthening Quadriceps Knee Extensions Open Kinetic Chain Post Surgery
Knee strengthening exercise that is simple to do at home. This simple quadriceps knee extension is an open kinetic chain exercise, which is good for strength, but you also need to do some closed chain excesses for functional strength once able.
Knee Strengthening – Quad leg extensions over roll
Learn how to control full extension of your knee. This is a simple strengthening exercise for the quad after knee injury or surgery.
Knee Strengthening – Simple Quadriceps With Theraband Tubing Exercise
Here is a simple exercise to help strengthen the knee at home. Using theraband, you can extend your leg and push into the band. This helps alleviate knee pain and get it stronger!
Knee Strengthening – terminal knee extension – helps walking
This is a simple terminal knee extension exercise to help you control knee straightening. This will assist with returning to a better walking pattern after a knee injury.
Leg Circles using the Pilates Reformer
How to do leg circles using the Pilates Reformer. This is a really nice opener for the hips, as well as engaging our core as we bring the legs away from the body.
Mid-Back Stretch – Child Pose With Rotation And Side Bending
Try our stretch for loosening up tight back, shoulders and hips. Do not push through pain. If any trouble, give us a call at Body Works. Happy Stretching and breathing!
Modified Child Pose Stretch for Shoulder Opening
Vi a modified child’s pose exercise here to help open the shoulders.
Neck Pain Exercise for the Upper Trapezius
Do you have neck pain? Referring down into your shoulder? Watch this video for a simple upper trapezius activation exercise to help your shoulder and neck posture.
Neck Pain when Sitting
A lot of people end up getting pain in the back of the neck because they’re working at the computer. Either from sitting in this posture here, or your chin’s forward and you get a bit of a closing down into the back of the neck.
Neck Pain or Tight Neck? Try Our Simple Neck Side Stretch
Do you have a tight neck from sitting at your desk all day? Or maybe a slip and fall on the ice and snow? Whiplash? Here is a quick stretch you can do anywhere to help alleviate tightness in the neck and upper fibres of trapezius muscle.
Neck Stability and Core Strength – Opposite Arm and Leg Lifts
Here is a great exercise to coordinate neck stability and core strength. Opposite arm and leg lifts over a ball.
Neck Stabilization Exercise – Laying Down Part 1
The deep neck flexors in the front of the neck are important to be strengthened to help balance out some of the tightness in the back of the neck that we suffer in our day to day lives such as computer work or driving for long periods or after a neck injury or a whiplash injury.
Neck Strength and Stabilization for Better Posture and Integrating Vision – Part 2
Here we are at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy and we’re going to demonstrate a technique for strengthening the neck and improving posture for day-to-day life.
Neck Strengthening Progression in 4 Point Kneeling – Part 3
A functional progression for strengthening the deep neck flexors. This helps improve strength in your neck for day-to-day function, better postural endurance, and returning to sport.
One Minute Solution For Tight Shoulders – With Pressure Points
Do you have tight shoulders from a long day or week at work? Try our one minute solution for tight shoulders. Check out our video to find out how.
Open Arm Chest and Shoulder Stretch
Are you enjoying summer? Riding bike, gardening or any other activities? Watch now for a simple stretch to help you feel better and avoid trouble.
Outer Core Strength – Try This Simple Opposite Arm & Leg Exercise
Try our simple exercise to strengthen and coordinate the outer core sling muscles while activating your inner core. This will help you move better and feel better and alleviate pain and dysfunction.
Pilates Reformer Lateral Hip Slide
Use the pilates reformer to do a lateral hip slide. This activates the gluteus medius muscles while maintaining proper positioning and control of movement.
Pilates Reformer Intro
Introduction to the Pilates Reformer – as we use it in the Physiotherapy clinic
Video Demonstration of a plank exercise to increase core strength. This protects your spine while doing sports like skiing/boarding.
Plantar Fasciitis Tips and Exercises to help Alleviate Foot Pain
Watch this video to learn some simple tips and exercises to help alleviate the foot pain from plantar fasciitis. This usually presents as foot pain or heel pain.
Posture And Neck Pain – Try The Posture Medic Brace To Help
Do you struggle to keep good posture throughout the day? Watch our video and try the posture medic brace to see if it can help you retrain your muscles to hold better posture and alleviate pain.
Posture and Shoulder Strength
Are you enjoying some holiday time this March break? Are you able to keep up with your exercises over this time? Sometimes we can be creative in keeping up with some preventive exercises. Here is one for posture and shoulder strength.
Posture Break Tip #1 – Help Alleviate Neck Pain At Work
Do you get neck pain or headaches working at the computer all day? Check out our Posture Break Tips Video #1 for some great and basic tips on keeping your posture better and alleviating neck pain and back pain and headaches.
Posture Break Tip #2
Do you sit at a computer all day? Taking a posture break every 30-60 minutes can help. Watch this video to show you how to feel better and be more productive.
Posture Break Tip #3
Do you get tired eyes at the end of a work day? Neck pain? Check out our video on how to sit at the computer to help tired eyes feel better. Posture is important.
Posture – How To Hold Better Posture For Longer Without Pain
Do you get tired or sore from sitting all day at computer? Driving prolonged? Learn how to breathe better and improve postural endurance and less neck pain and back pain for good!
Pressure Point Release for Back Tightness
Welcome, here we are at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy and we are going to do a little pressure point release technique to help relieve some tightness in the back.
Pressure Point Release Hip – Psoas – Hip Flexor
Demonstration of a pressure point release with a ball in the front of the hip. This exercise is to relieve tightness in the Psoas, or hip flexor muscle.
Pressure Point Release of Hip: Tensor Fascia Latae Muscle
So here we are at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy with Holly again, who’s a Field Hockey player and she’s going to be doing some pressure point release work through her tensor fascia latae muscle which is kind of the side in front of the hip and is really common when we have tight hip muscles or hip pain or ITB pain or back pain.
Pressure Point Release for the Shoulder
Welcome, we’re here at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy with Holly. She’s going to help us demonstrate some release techniques to help loosen up tightness in her shoulder.
Pressure Point Release With Small Ball Into Buttock; Specifically Gluteus Muscles and Piriformis
So we’re going to a little pressure point release with our pressure point ball here with Holly who’s a Field Hockey player and has got some tightness in through her hip.
Relief For Tired Eyes – Try Palming
After a long week of work, are your eyes tired or dry? Having trouble focusing on the screen or your favourite book? Try Palming – it can help to relax muscles around the eyes and improve lubrication in the eye, assisting with fatigue, strain and dry eyes. It also may help to reduce headaches.
Running Foot Exercise and Warm-up Feb 2016 for Vancouver Sun Run
Here are some basic foot and ankle warm-up exercises to help wake up your feet and proprioception and balance. These are great exercises to do before you run or walk. Help prevent injury!
Shoulder Blade Push-Ups For Shoulder Girdle Stability
Here is a simple exercise for controlling the shoulder girdle and shoulder blades on the ribcage to allow better force transfer and load though the shoulder. Give it a try and let us know how you make out.
Shoulder Flexion Mobility In Supine For A Stiff Shoulder
Try our simple exercise focused on improving shoulder flexion mobility, making it easier to lift your arm for day-to-day needs.
Shoulder Mobility and Core Strength: Ball Figure 8’s on a Foam Roller
In this video we will show you progression on a previous foam roller exercise. This one will include using figure 8’s with a ball for some core strength and stability.
Shoulder Mobility and Core Strength – Shoulder Circles Laying on Foam Roller
This video will show you a progression on one of our foam roller exercises. We’re going to do some shoulder circles while lying on a foam roller.
Wall Slides for Shoulder Mobility
Do you have tight shoulders and upper back? Try our simple wall slides for shoulder mobility, which can also help mobilize your upper back. These are easy to do quickly in the middle of the day or anywhere you can find a wall
Shoulder Pain Relief With Foam Roller – Loosen Up Your Shoulders
Do you have tight and sore shoulders or upper back? Try our exercise for shoulder pain relief with a foam roller.
Rotator Cuff Activation for Shoulder Pain
Here’s Jamie to show you an exercise for rotator cuff activation through lifting the arm, to help you learn to move better.
How to Lift your Arm into Elevation with Good Mechanics
Arm lifting mechanics exercise to fix poor coordination of muscles around the shoulder – overusing some and underusing others.
Shoulder Blade Push-ups for Scapular Stability with Jamie Snow
Hi, I’m Jamie from Body Works and I’m here with Holly and we’re going to go through a simple exercise to work on scapular control. So basically what we’re going to do is do a wall pushup.
Shoulder Range of Motion Exercise
This is a basic exercise for shoulder range of motion.
Shoulder Stability Mid Trapezius Exercise
This is a shoulder stability exercise for the mid trapezius using an exercise ball. Rest when you start having trouble controlling the shoulder.
Shoulder Strength And Scapular Stability – Ball At Wall Drill
Do you have shoulder or neck pain? Do you sit at computer all day? Watch our video and learn to improve your shoulder strength to help!
Shoulder Strengthening – Rotator Cuff Drills For Endurance And Postural Stability
Do you have weakness or soreness in your shoulders? Do you want a simple exercise to work on rotator cuff strength and endurance? Try our home exercise for rotator cuff strengthening and stability. Rotator cuff drills I call them!
Shoulder Strengthening Exercise with Theraband Laying Down
Do you have shoulder pain? Shoulder Weakness? Watch now for a simple shoulder strengthening exercise with theraband that you can do at home.
Shoulder Exercise for Tightness
Try this simple shoulder exercise for tightness to help you move better and feel better! Also, use your core and breathing to help stabilize your neck and back and reduce pain.
Simple Rotator Cuff Exercise For Strengthening The Shoulder
Are you experiencing shoulder pain? Here is a simple exercise you can use to strengthen the rotator cuff muscle, which can help with shoulder pain.
Single Leg Balance
Hi everyone, this is Steven from Body Works Sports Physio here today to talk to you a little bit about balance, as it is something that can be affected as we get older and puts ourselves at risk of falls.
Single Leg Bridge
Are you starting a new running program? Want to improve strength and stability for running? Try our simple runners drill for hip and pelvic stability with core activation. Alternating legs with bridging. This will help yo be more stable and stronger with running and more efficient.
Single Leg Bridging Runners Drill – Gluts and Core
We’re going to work on a single leg bridging drill, working on alternate legs. This is great for getting back to some running or walking activities.
Sitting Posture and Deep Neck Flexor
This is Dana Ranahan at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy in North Vancouver and I’m here today with Holly at our front desk and we’re going to be looking at postural setup to tie in with some deep neck flexor exercises that we’ve shown videos of before.
Ski Fitness Tip #1 – Wall Sits to Avoid Pain
This is the second video in a series of exercises to help get you ready for ski season. Now a skier requires a lot of endurance, especially the large muscles of the legs – so a great way to start to train these muscles is with Wall Sits.
Ski Fitness Tip #2 – Hip Abductor Control
This week is all about hip abductor control. These muscles work on the outside of the hip but they actually play a really big role in protecting the knee because they help control the alignment of the entire leg from the top down.
Ski Fitness Tip #3 – Ball Squats
Get strong and build endurance in preparation for ski season! Try our ski tips video # 3 exercise ball squats. A good way to avoid knee injuries and pain from skiing!
Ski Fitness Tip #4 – Core Strength – Obliques
This week I want to focus on the obliques, those muscles on the sides of your trunk. They’re really important for lateral stability, keeping your balance and especially with weight shifting and carving while skiing so I’m actually going to show you three exercises today kind of ranging easy to hard options for training these muscles.
Ski Fitness Tip #5 – Lateral Wall Squats with Ball
This is the 5th video in a series of exercises to get your body ready for ski season. We’re doing Lateral Wall Squats today.
Ski Fitness Tip #6 – Lateral Lunge
This is the seventh video in a series of exercises to get your body ready for ski season.
Ski Fitness Tip #7 – Balance Training
Hi, this is Jamie from Body Works and I’m just following up with some of the videos that Taylor has done on ski conditioning. What I want to talk about today is just a little bit of balance training that you can start before you get into the ski season.
Ski Fitness Tip #8 – Dynamic Warm-Up
Hi this is Jamie from Body Works Physio, just coming at you with the conclusion of the ski video series that we’ve been doing. Today I want to talk a little bit about dynamic warm up before getting out on the mountain.
Ski Season Preparation – Quarter Squats, Balance and Lateral Movement
Hi this is Dana from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy, and I want to come back to getting ready for ski season. We’re going nto do some quarter squats, working on balance and lateral movement.
Spinal Stability Arm Slides in 4 Point Kneeling
Here we are at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy with Holly as our model. Holly’s going to demonstrate a technique doing an arm slide and an arm lift while stabilizing her spine.
Spinal Stability – Neck and Back on Foam Roller with Shoulder Mobility
This is Dana Ranahan with Body Works Sports Physiotherapy. Today we’re going to be doing a video on demonstrating some shoulder mobility on the foam roller, which is an unstable base. We’ve done a video like this before, but this will be a bit more challenging for maintaining spinal stability while we’re trying to get more mobility through the shoulders while maintaining neck and spine neutral.
Spinal Stability: The Core in 4 Point Kneeling
The hands and knees position is an alternate position to work on strengthening and activating your core. This is less supportive than lying on your back, but very important for learning to control the spine against gravity.
Split Squats
Split squats are Ryan’s favourite exercise to strengthen the glutes, which are very heavily utilized when skiing/boarding.
Squatting and Knee Pain
Hi everyone, this is Steven from Body Works Sport Phsyio, here today to talk to you about squatting and knee pain.
Squats with Ryan Corkal
Squats are very effective for quadricep and gluteal development, both of which are heavily utilized during skiing/boarding.
Strengthen your hips using Gluteus Medius Leg Lifts
This is Dana Ranahan at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy. Today we’re going to show you a strengthening exercise for the Gluteus Medius muscle.
Strengthening with Simple Squat and Coordinating with your Core
I’m here today to show you a functional progression of our core exercise series. In our previous videos we’ve shown you how to work on breathing diagrammatically and activating your inner core muscles and coordinating them together.
Modified Child Pose – Upper Back Stretch
We’re going to work in this position by breathing into the tension. You can breathe into your arm pits trying to expand laterally, or breathe into the upper back trying to expand up in between the shoulder blades. As you breathe out. soften and allow the sternum to let go towards the ceiling.
Taylor with Patient to Help her Move Better, Be Stronger and Prevent Falls!
Today I’m just teaching Rosemary here an exercise to strengthen the outside of her hips, specifically the muscles that help turn out the hip. These muscles play an important role in the stability of our hips when we’re walking and they’re also good to help prevent falls.
Tennis Elbow or Lateral Elbow Pain Exercise At Wall
Do you have lateral elbow pain? Tennis elbow? Listen in for a simple home exercise to help resolve elbow pain and improve the mobility of the elbow. Let us know how you make out with this.
The Core – Simple Progression to Knee Fall Outs
Now I want to work adding a bit of movement to that; so work on building progressive movement once we’ve got that deep muscle system working better. In this case one of the first exercises we start with are called knee fall outs.
Thoracic Spine Rotation with Breathing and Controlling Shoulder
Learn how to get better rotation mobility in your mid back to help alleviate neck, shoulder or lower back pain. Learn to control your shoulder and ribcage movements better.
Top 3 Hamstring Exercises for Soccer Players to Avoid Tightness and Pain
If you’re a soccer player struggling with hamstring tightness or straining your hamstrings regularly, we’re here to show you the top three stretches you can do to avoid hamstring strain.
Top 3 Types Of Foot Pain And The Top 3 Exercises To Help Relieve It!
Do you have foot pain? Here are the Top 3 Sources of Foot Pain and the Top 3 exercises to alleviate the problem. These are general exercises aimed at restoring mobility and strength in the foot.
Top Three Stretches Before Going For A Walk
Are you enjoying some nice summer walks? Try our top 3 stretches to do before you go for a walk. These will help you move better and feel better.
Upper & Mid Back Rotation Stretch – Help your golf, baseball or tennis swing
Learn how to loosen tightness in your upper back, mid back and shoulders to allow you to rotate your thoracic spine better. This will help with improving your golf swing, tennis swing, or baseball throw and swing.
Upper Back Pressure Point Release And Self Release Work For Better Mobility And Less Pain
Upper back pressure point and self release work for better mobility and less pain. All you need is a ball and a wall. Simple and easy….Give it a try!
Upper Back Stretch – Easy and Quick
Upper back stretch to help loosen tight muscles from work or sport, and help alleviate upper back and neck pain. Give it a try!
Wall Slides For Shoulder And Upper Back
Do you have shoulder tightness or neck and upper back pain? Try our simple wall slides to reduce pain and help improve mobility and strength.
Want a Stronger Core? Try Our 4 Point Kneeling Arm Weight Shift Exercise
Try our 4 point kneeling exercise for a stronger core. To determine if this is right for you, come on in for a physiotherapy assessment at our clinic. We are happy to help you get the best exercise program for your body.
Wrist Strengthening Exercises
These wrist strengthening exercises involve pulling down into a palm down position and wrist flexion, both using a theraband or tubing.