A doctor’s referral is not required to attend physiotherapy.
However, some extended health care plans still do require a written referral from your doctor in order to cover the service of physiotherapy. As each extended health plan is unique, please check with your individual extended health care plan for more details to ensure you understand your coverage before you attend for physiotherapy treatment.
We work closely with your family physician or specialist, with your informed consent. We may contact your physician or specialist to discuss any concerns that may have arisen from our assessment and treatment. As indicated, we may also recommend that you schedule an appointment with your family physician to discuss the need for further medical testing. This may include recommendations to your physician to consider an x-ray, CT scan or for referral to a specialist. These recommendations may be required if there are any concerns that warrant further investigation.
The Medical Services Plan(MSP) of British Columbia(BC) does not cover physiotherapy services for individual covered through MSP unless you are a senior citizen or have low income. For more information on potential services covered through MSP, please contact the government of BC. If you are eligible, you may submit your receipt for physiotherapy treatment to receive partial coverage for your visits through MSP, as outlined by the MSP coverage details.