Do You Have Hip Pain or Pinching at the Front of Your Hip? Try Our Simple Home Exercise

Do you have hip pain or pinching in the front of your hip when you sit down or squat? Usually this is from impingement at the front of the hip joint. Watch our video and try our simple home exercise to help open up your hip joint and reduce pain and pinching.

Hi, this is Dana Ranahan from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy, and today I’m here to show you something to help with hip pain.

Often people get pinching in the front of the hip as they go to squat, or are sitting or driving. Those are common complaints. Try this exercise at home to help take away some of that pinch.

To do this exercise

  • We’re using quite a heavy-duty stretchy band, so a little different from our other Therabands that we use.
  • In this case, we’re going to hook around the hip, close in to the thigh, and come down into a squat-type position.
  • I would also do this to see that I had some pinch in the front of my hip.
  • Now the belt tractions or opens up my hip, allowing me to sink better down into my hip, and allowing the hip joint to go back.

Often, this will help take away some of the pinch in the hip. We can use this exercise to try and help the hip sink back into the socket as we’re squatting or coming into a sitting-type mechanism.

There’s a bunch of different ways that you can do it, but this is one of my favourites. Basically you’re working on repetitions, trying to traction the hip, taking away the pinch so you don’t get pain. This will allow you to move better. This is a great exercise to do at home.

If you’re interested in that, give us a call at (604) 983-6616 or you can pick up one of these bands yourself and try it at home.