Posture – How To Hold Better Posture For Longer Without Pain

Do you get tired or sore from sitting all day at computer? Learn how to breathe better, have better posture, and improve postural endurance.

Hi this is Dana Ranahan from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy and I’m here today to talk about better posture. A lot of people find they get quite tired at work during the day.

Holding Posture

Trying to hold your posture is hard, so we have things that we get people to try to help alleviate some of their pain and soreness. There is also some recent research which indicates that posture is actually an aerobic activity, which needs a lot of oxygen. This means breathing is really important in the day. So a reminder to everyone today to take a nice deep breath. When you’re breathing, remember that how you breathe is important.

How to Breathe

So if you’re breathing in your upper chest and you breathe in, you get this lift of your chest. It’s almost like all the ribs lift up towards the ceiling. We’re all guilty of breathing in our upper chest sometimes.

One of the ways to breathe more efficiently, that requires less energy, is to breathe into your lower rib cage, in your diaphragm. The diaphragm is kind of like a dome, down here in the lower part of the lungs. When we breathe in with our diaphragm it pushes down into our belly, giving us some lateral opening to the rib cage.

One of the things you can work on is some diaphragm breathing.

  • Breathe in so you get some expansion though the lower ribs.
  • Then breathing out and letting your chest sort of soften.
  • That will take away some of the tension and the lifting in your ribs when you breathe, and get a little more opening through here.
  • So hopefully that helps you not to get so tired in the day.

The other thing you can do is get out there and get your aerobic system going, which will also help to build some endurance in your muscles.

For more information give us a call at 604-983-6616. Have a great day.