Shoulder Mobility and Core Strength: Ball Figure 8’s on a Foam Roller

In this video we will show you progression on a previous foam roller exercise. This one will include using figure 8’s with a ball for some core strength and stability.

Hi, this is Dana Ranahan of Body Works Sports Physiotherapy and we’re here today to show you a progression on the exercise lying on the foam roller, using figure 8’s with a ball for core strength and stability.

  • Lying on the foam roller with your head and hips supported well.
  • Place a little ball between your knees. This is to work on good alignment through the lower body, and keep your inner thigh muscles working.
  • Now hold a ball between your hands so you can do some circular exercises through the upper body.
  • Work on doing some small circles or figure 8’s where your arms come away from the midline
  • This works the core muscles to help keep the trunk and lower body in line
  • Continue to work on breathing so you don’t brace through the diaphragm as you do this.

So, keep a rhythmical breath, use the core muscles, and add different directions of movement away from midline. This challenges your core strength and makes you work harder to stay neutral in this position. You would only go away from the midline as much as you can control in the beginning. As it gets easier you can make the amplitude of movement larger.

In this case you would work until you start to feel like you can connect to the movement better and stabilize better through your whole trunk.