Are you starting a new running program? Want to improve strength and stability for running? Try our simple runners drill for hip and pelvic stability with core activation. Alternating legs with bridging. This single leg bridge will help you be more stable, stronger, and more efficient when running.
Hi this is Dana Ranahan from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy in North Vancouver. Today I want to talk about a single leg bridge exercise you can do to work on control around your pelvis and hip. This is a great drill for runners. I know a lot of you are starting back with a running regime now that it’s the new year, or training for the Sun Run, so this would be a great exercise for you to try.
Starting Position
- Grab a mat or a piece of floor, have a lie down on your back
- Put a small foam roller, yoga block, or a rolled up towel between your thighs so you have a little bit of a squeeze
- Now we’re going to do a little lift through our hips, which we call a bridge.
Now this is a starting position and if you can maintain this with relative ease, then the progression would be to work on lifting one leg.
- Lifting one leg, trying to maintain neutral pelvis.
- When I lift, I don’t allow my hips to drop, I try to keep my hips level and lift
- Breathe out, engage my core, and then alternate sides.
- Breathe out, engage my core, and lift the opposite leg while trying to maintain stability.
This will do a great job for working on control through your hips and pelvis, hopefully making you much more stable and strong when you run.
If you need any specific help, please contact us to set up an appointment so we can personalize a program for you.