Taylor with Patient to Help her Move Better, Be Stronger and Prevent Falls!

Hello, I’m Taylor McCabe, physiotherapist here at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy in North Vancouver. Today I’m just teaching Rosemary here an exercise to strengthen the outside of her hips, specifically the muscles that help turn out the hip.

The Exercise

  • With her knees bent, she’s going to lie so her hips are right on top of each other
  • Keeping her feet and ankles together, she’s just going to rotate the leg to lift the knees apart
  • Then back down
  • She’s just going as high as she can control without the whole pelvis rolling back.

Now as she’s working, she’s hopefully going to feel it on the back side of the hip, going until she feels some nice activation there and starts to get a little fatigue happening. Then we know we’re strengthening.

Find more hip exercises in our video directory.