
Manual Therapy is one of our ServicesPhysiotherapy is a healthcare profession dedicated to working with people of all ages, to identify and maximize their ability to move well and enable them to participate in the activities they enjoy.

The physiotherapists at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy have a high level of post-graduate training in physiotherapy, as well as extensive experience treating numerous types of injuries. For more specific information on our physiotherapists, please go to Our Team page.  To learn more about our specific methods, please go to How We Work.

Assessment & Treatment

As a primary caregiver, a physiotherapist can assess, diagnose, and treat your injury through a combination of methods that may include:


Education plays a very important role in physiotherapy. The goal of physiotherapy is to return you to your optimal function and strength, while educating you about your injury.

As physiotherapists, we educate our clients to help them:

Education plays a very important role in physiotherapy.

For further overall information on Physiotherapy, including training, scope of practice and treatment methods, please visit the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s website or the Physiotherapy Association of BC website.