News & Articles
Enhance Your Summer Adventures with Body Works Sports Physiotherapy Clinic in North Vancouver
The summer season invites us to embrace the beauty of the north shore trails and mountains, where outdoor enthusiasts can indulge in hiking, biking, and running. To fully enjoy these activities, it’s vital to prioritize your physical health and wellness.
Taking a Swing Against Arthritis: Discover the Benefits of Golf for Joint Health
Are you searching for a low-impact exercise that can alleviate arthritis pain and improve your overall physical and mental well-being? Look no further than golf! A recent study conducted by Australian and U.K. researchers revealed that golfers with osteoarthritis reported better health outcomes compared to non-golfers with the same condition.
Beach Volleyball Safety: Play Smart and Prevent Injuries for a Fun-Filled Summer!
When summer arrives, beach volleyball becomes an irresistible activity, offering the perfect combination of sun, sand, and sports. However, it’s crucial to prioritize safety to ensure a fantastic experience without any setbacks. In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips on how to play beach volleyball smartly, preventing common injuries and making the most of your fun-filled summer.
Alzheimer’s Disease: Understanding, Managing, and Coping with Memory Loss
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is the most common cause of dementia in older adults. In Alzheimer’s disease, there is a gradual loss of brain cells, leading to a decline in cognitive function and a decline in the ability to perform daily activities.
Work Safe BC Injury – Physiotherapy
I Was Injured at Work – What do I do?
As of June 1, 2022 the new WSBC Physiotherapy Services Contract is moving from block-billing funding to a fee for service model which consists of 3 different periods:
- Initial assessment -> includes one visit and an initial report
- Treatment period -> includes up to 15 visits or 6 weeks, which ever comes first
- Extension -> includes a customisable approved time period and maximum number of visits
For all work-related injuries, WorkSafeBC will pay for your initial visit as long as your claim is registered with WorkSafeBC and you have a claim number.
Common Climbing Injuries | Wrist and Hand Pain | North Vancouver
Climbing is a sport that involves skill and physical fitness. Climbers must be strong, coordinated, and calm under pressure. It is also a sport that is filled with risk of injury. If a climber is injured, it can put them at risk if they continue before complete healing has occurred.
Whiplash treatment North Vancouver
What is Whiplash?
When a person’s head rapidly and violently swings forward and backward, they experience whiplash. This injury occurs most frequently after a rear-end car accident. It can also be brought on by sports-related injuries, or even rides at an amusement park.
Vertigo & Dizziness Treatment North Vancouver
Do you suffer from Vertigo/ Dizziness or other vestibular disorders?
Book an appointment with Quinn Turner
What is Vestibular system?
The vestibular system in the inner ear is essential for balance, posture, and coordination.
Just like riding a bike!
Biking is a sport enjoyed by casual riders and avid enthusiasts alike. Bikes are an eco-friendly mode of transportation and a great way to get active outside. As more and more people hit the trails with their friends and family, it becomes necessary to be aware of the risks of biking and how to stay safe while enjoying our beautiful city.
Summer is here! Grab your soccer gear
Soccer is a great sport to play to keep in shape and enjoy the beautiful summer sunshine. However, as with any sport, there is a risk of injury, especially if players are not prepared for the physical demands of the sport.
Meet Quinn Turner Registered Physiotherapist
May 3, 2022
Quinn Turner
Hi everyone, my name is Quinn Turner I’m a registered physiotherapist working at Bodyworks Sports Physiotherapy in North Vancouver. I got into physiotherapy because of an earlier injury that I sustained when I was younger and it kind of took me into the rehab world and showed me the ways of physiotherapy.
What is Plantar Fasciitis? Do you have Heel pain?
What Exactly is Plantar Fasciitis?
The primary tissue affected is the plantar fascia, a layer of fibrous tissue that covers the muscles and tendons on the bottom of the foot. The plantar fascia is responsible for supporting the arch of the foot.
What is Pickleball? What injuries might occur playing Pickleball?
Pickleball is a distant cousin to tennis, but the nets are roughly four inches lower, the lines are closer, and the games are shorter, resulting in less exertion all around.
This extremely popular sport is growing at a pace of 140 percent per three years in both the United States and Canada.
How can Stress affect your sleep?
Weather is changing and you can see more runners outside. Do you feel tired? Maybe its stress!
One of the most effective strategies to increase running performance is to obtain enough good-quality sleep every night, yet many runners struggle to do so.
Gluteus Medius Strengthening Exercises
The gluteus medius muscle is one of the muscles on the side of your hip. It resides underneath your gluteus maximus muscle (buttocks muscle), and works with another small muscle, the gluteus minimus, to help support your hip.
Common Spring Injuries
We’ve made it through the winter. Warmer weather, chirping birds, and, sadly, injuries are all part of spring. While we urge you to stay active in the spring, it’s also vital to be aware of common spring injuries and take steps to avoid them.
Chronic Ankle Instability: What is it? and How to Prevent Future Re-Injury
Ankle Inversion sprains are one of the most common injuries that can occur during sports, specifically ones that involve a variety of plyometric movements such as running, cutting, jumping and landing.
Reach Your Physical Goals – Dana Ranahan
What’s your business, and who are your customers?
My business is helping people! We want to help people understand their bodies and injuries.
For example, we can analyze how and why they got injured and what they can do about it.
Are you gardening this spring?
Here are a few smart tips to avoid joint pain, aching muscles and injuries! Your back will thank you!
Self Massager For Home Management – Theragun
We are happy to introduce a new product that we are using in the clinic and also have available for patients to purchase if they wish. Theragun has four models with varying options to help you release tight muscle and move better with less pain.
Why Do I Have Pain?
Chronic pain is a condition that affects numerous Canadians from all walks of life. Check out this great article by Remi Lu about chronic pain and pain management.
Body Works Clinic Now Open
June 15, 2020
Clinic Update June 15th, 2020
So happy to be back in the clinic helping you in person. It has been wonderful to see you all but using strict procedures and use of PPE to try and keep everyone safe.
Reopening Body Works Sports Physiotherapy Clinic after Covid-19 Closure
May 19, 2020
Clinic update May 19th, 2020
We are reopening this week!! Yay! We have missed you! If you are in need of an appointment please book online or call the clinic at 604-983-6616. We look forward to helping you soon!!
How to Select and Use A Mask from WorkSafeBC
May 18, 2020
Downloadable PDF detailing mask selection information from WorkSafe BC.
Cleaning Guidelines for COVID-19 from WorkSafeBC
May 18, 2020
PDF information on cleaning guidelines from WorkSafe BC in regards to COVID-19.
Help Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
May 18, 2020
Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Wash your hands:
- When you arrive at work
- Before and after going on break
- After using the washroom
- After handling cash or other materials that have come into contact with the public
- Before and after handling shared tools and equipment
- Before and after using masks or other personal protective equipment
How to Use A Mask from WorkSafeBC
May 18, 2020
Help Prevent the Spread of COVID-19: How to Use A Mask
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before touching the mask. If you don’t have soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
COVID Update and COVID Policies
May 14, 2020
September 13th, 2021 Update – Proof of vaccination
We are aware of the recent Order from the Provincial Health Officer regarding proof of one’s vaccination status in British Columbia whereby B.C. vaccine cards will be required to be shown prior to entering certain businesses – effective September 13 2021.
Telehealth and Covid-19 Update
March 25, 2020
Telehealth success today! We are happy to report a very successful telehealth appointment today with a client who was having pain with her home exercises post car accident. It is very different not being in the same room as your therapist, but the video connection is almost like being in the same room!
Our Response to COVID-19
March 24, 2020
Keeping our community healthy and safe
In response to the escalating spread of COVID-19, we have made the tough decision to close our clinic doors until March 30th, with the exception to our most acute and urgent care patients who need to see us.
We Are Taking Every Precaution With The COVID-19 Virus
We hope you are staying well! Just letting you know we are still here and open to help you with you injuries and pain. We are taking many precautions to keep you safe. Please continue to attend our one on one appointments but if you are showing symptoms of illness please call us to cancel and reschedule. Even though many plans have been cancelled and you may be in town when you had hoped to be away, we hope you are taking enjoyment from the sunshine today!
Quad Strain
Are you a soccer player having pain in the front of your thigh with running and kicking? You may have a quad strain.
The quadriceps (i.e quads) are a group of 4 muscles that run along the front of your thigh and attach below your knee. All these muscles work to straighten your knee and one of the 4 (the rectus femoris) works to pull your knee towards your hip.
Are You Starting A Fitness Plan This New Year?
Are you starting a fitness plan this new year? Getting outdoors to walk or run more often? What are your New Years fitness goals? When starting a new program or increasing old program, remember a good warm up and gradual increase in activity to avoid injury.
Are You Getting Outdoors To Start The New Year Off Right?
Are you getting outdoors to start the new year off right? Try some Cross country skiing or get outdoors and enjoy the snow and fresh air. Tell is what you have been up to!
Hi this is Dana Ranahan up at Cypress Cross Country Ski area.
Are you ready for ski season? Start training now in September for winter!
Introduction to our Ski Training video series, with tips and exercises to get you ready to hit the slopes this winter.
Do You Want to Get Fit and Lose Weight?
This time of year people often start back to the gym or begin a training program in full force, to try and get fit and/or lose weight. Before you start a new exercise program, check out our video for some basic tips to help get fit and avoid injury.
Try Our Simple 60 Second Breathing Exercise Video To Relax During The Day!
Are you tense and sore after or during a work day? Do you have neck or shoulder tension? Stressful work days? Try our simple 60 second breathing exercise to help you make it through the day feeling more relaxed and efficient, with less pain.
Running and Arthritis – Will running wear out my joints?
by Rick Heyden, Physiotherapist, presented to Sun Run Training group April 2018
There are many types of arthritis, however, the most common is Osteoarthritis (OA). Osteoarthritis, specifically primary OA, is linked to aging and genetics and can be thought of as a normal aging process of the joint.
How Sleep Can Affect Your Health
Do you have trouble sleeping? Insomnia is very common and you are not alone. However, poor sleep quality can lead to health problems. Having insomnia can make you up to 5 times more likely to have health issues. And at least 50% of people with chronic pain have problems sleeping, with some research suggesting that up to 80-90% of people with chronic pain have issues with sleep.
Do You Have Thumb Pain or Stiffness? Thumb Arthritis?
Do you have thumb stiffness and pain? The thumb is an amazing and dextrous joint and can often get over used with day to day activities. If you are having pain or stiffness, you may be starting to undergo arthritic changes in the joint. Please listen in for some simple things you can do to help save your thumbs from further arthritic int and how to strengthen and protect them. Contact us for more information. 604-983-6616.
Physiotherapy North Vancouver
An overview of physiotherapy; what physiotherapists do and conditions they treat.
Facts on Running Injuries
This is the time of year where we are doing free talks to Vancouver Sun Run participants to help avoid and or learn how to treat injuries with running! I am looking forward to a presentation tonight in North Vancouver to a Sun Run group at Parkgate Recreation centre.
Should I Apply Ice or Heat after an Injury?
This is a common question that we are asked in the clinic, and always a good simple topic to cover so people know how to best deal with acute and chronic injuries.
Welcome to Body Works Sports Physiotherapy
Here we are at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy in North Vancouver, let’s go in and take a look. Welcome, here we come in to our waiting room.
Hello, Kelsey is our receptionist.
“Welcome to Body Works”
Yeah we hope you come and visit us sometime soon.
The IronMan Whistler Experience!
By Dana Ranahan, Registered Physiotherapist and Sports Physiotherapist
I was fortunate enough to be asked to be part of the medical team for the Iron Man event in Whistler July 24th 2016. I was the only Sports Physiotherapist present!
Gardening – How to turn your body carefully and avoid pain!
One of the things I want you to pay attention to, we’ve already talked about careful approaching the dirt, now I want talk about not rotating your body with a load.
Gardening – How to Use your Shovel Safely and Avoid Injury!
Watch our tips on how to protect your body from injury while gardening. Especially shovelling!
Hi this is Dana Ranahan of Body Works Sports Physiotherapy and I’m out in the garden today cleaning up some soil, it’s a good time of the year to do that but we want to be sure you don’t hurt yourself.
Lifting Well in The Garden to Avoid Back Pain
Check out our simple tips for lifting in the garden. These tips should help to alleviate back injury and pain from heavier gardening tasks.
Avoid Neck and Shoulder Pain in the Garden
Try our simple tips to avoid neck pain and shoulder pain in the garden. Have a great time out there this spring!
How To Bend Carefully in the Garden to Avoid Lower Back Pain
Try out our simple tips on bending carefully in the garden, and using a cushion to kneel on to help avoid back and hip pain.
Hi, this is Dana Ranahan at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy and we’re going to be giving you a tip for gardening today.
Avoid Lower Back Pain Gardening
If you have to bend, be sure to stick your hips back, bend your knees so your back can stay more neutral and flat as you’re working. Even better is to have something to sit on.
Gardening Warm up Tips March 2016
Here is a short video on how to warm-up for gardening to avoid injury and stay pain free! Get out and have fun in the garden!
Hi this is Dana Ranahan at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy and it’s that time of year that we get out in the garden and start tidying things up for spring.
Ready To Ski?
If you’re like me you love to ski and you’re already looking forward to our mountains, hopefully they will be covered with lots of snow. Now is the time to start training to have a safe and fun season. Now if you’re not sure what to do to get your body ready for ski season, that’s where we come in.
Small Ball Pressure Point Release – How to Choose the Right Ball?
I’m here today to talk about pressure point balls or trigger point balls that we can use to release tension in our body. We’ll be giving you some other tips through other videos on specific pressure point, but as a starter, I’d like to talk about what type of ball do I use and how does this technique work?
Soccer and Hockey
Did you know that young girls are up to 8 times more likely to tear their ACL in sport, especially soccer, than boys?
This injury differential is tied largely to poor mechanics of movement. As a result, it is very important to be address and improve these types of movement patterns preventatively as much as possible.
Golf Mechanics
Many golfers experience lower back or hip pain at some point in their career. Other common golfing injuries can include golfers elbow or shoulder tendonitis and pain. The physiotherapists at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy will assess how your body moves to look at where you are stiff and where you are moving too much.
Running for Personal Best
Many of the runners that we work with at Body Works are running for enjoyment and to achieve their personal best, but may have been sidelined by a nagging hamstring or achilles injury.
When you are injured and unable to run, or train as you wish to achieve your goal, it can be a very frustrating and painful experience.
Return to Sport
One of the biggest and most important questions that our patients and athletes often ask us is ” When can I return to my activity?” or “When can I return to my sport?”.
We all love our sport and hope to return to it as quickly as possible after injury.