What is Pickleball? What injuries might occur playing Pickleball?

Pickleball is a distant cousin to tennis, but the nets are roughly four inches lower, the lines are closer, and the games are shorter, resulting in less exertion all around.

This extremely popular sport is growing at a pace of 140 percent per three years in both the United States and Canada. It offers a low barrier to entry, attracting older persons and others who were previously uninterested in sports. And it is lots of fun!!

Warm-up: When it comes to the necessity of a proper warm up, pickleball is no different than any other physical activity. To loosen the back, hips, arms, and legs, begin with easy twists, lunges, and bends. Listen to your body and pay special attention to any areas that seem particularly tight. A quick jog or a few sprints up and down the court will help you raise your heart rate and get your body ready for action.

How do I get stronger and avoid injury in Pickleball? Strength and endurance training can help you avoid injury and improve your overall performance on the Pickleball court. To improve your strength and endurance, you will need to work on a variety of exercises. Choose activities that improve balance, mobility, flexibility, strength, endurance, and attention for a full-body workout. Cross-training with a variety of exercises will prepare your body for the anaerobic motions required by pickleball.

What kind of injuries can physiotherapist see? In fact, they are very similar to those that that might occur in tennis. Some of the typical injuries in Pickleball are:

Acute Injuries:

More Chronic Injuries:


To undergo an assessment of your specific needs or if you need any help with correct exercise plan for you to get you back to sports, please contact us or book an appointment with one of our highly trained physiotherapists at Body Works Sports Physiotherapy.